Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pool Difficulties

Mom did great getting into the pool this weekend. It was excellent for her and she was able to move around really, really well. I think the swelling was a little less in her right foot after working the in the pool.
Here's the problem -- she could get in no problem... but can't get out without help. Tim and I could get her out without issue but she can't do it on her own. Dad can't help her without hurting himself. So I gave Dad a suggestion of seeing if we could get an aide who would be willing to get in the pool. He's going to explore that tomorrow.
She's a little down as she really wanted to be able to get out on her own. Hopefully, the aide deal will work out.
It was great to be there... and have both of them home. I was able to get Dad out to the Transformer movie... it as fun.

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