Friday, June 26, 2009

Hospital Therapy

Karen completed her first sessions of OT and PT this week. She has the most severe problem with her legs, thus the physical therapy will be the most important of the two therapies for her. The occupational therapy will be concentrating on improving her strength in her shoulderrs and arms. She has the full range of motions, but is pretty weak in the upper torso. She is unable to get up from regular chairs and/or lazyboy rockers without two pillows under her when she gets into each of the chairs. The wheelchair also needs a lift in it for her to get out to her walker. The blood clots in both legs remain painful, but not as severe as the pain in them a few weeks ago. The therapists are pushing her quite hard, always reminding her that she will have to push through each exercise, regardless of the pain she might encounter. This is sometimes hard for her to accept, but I know that she realizes she has to work hard to have a chance to use the pool, and certainly to ever get back out on the golf course.

Katie, Tim, and Caitlyn are with us this weekend. They are going to try to find a way to be able to get Karen in and out of the pool, without any help. This will be an interesting exercise. I hope she can do it, as she really enjoys swimming in the pool. They are a big help to us in many ways, and we really look forward to having them here. I'm sure Caitlyn misses Megan not being here.

Megan is with Kevin and Karrie for two weeks. This was supposed to be a trip we were to make, so she is standing in for us. She loves being with Fiana and Liam, as she gets down on the floor with them and plays with them as she does with all of her nephews and nieces.

Please continue to keep Karen in your thoughts and prayers. She is facing a long and arduous journey, and needs all the help she can get.

Love, Bill

1 comment:

  1. You remain in our thoughts and prayers always.
    Hang in there and you will see progress. Bob & MJ
