Sunday, June 21, 2009

Life At Home

Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's out there -- including my own!
Life at home is going to take some time before it returns to normal. Mom is having some real difficulty getting out of chairs... but she is so happy to be home and sleeping in again!
Many of you have asked how you could help... home cooked meals for my parents would not be turned away. Dad is too proud to ask -- but I'm not so if you would like to help out this way that would be great. No one should feel obligated but Mom may soon get tired of Bertolli Meals out of a bag!
There won't be as many updates from here on out now that she is home and taking phone calls. If anyone would like to email me at I will send you a personalized update.
I hope this blog was helpful to all of you. It was very helpful to my dad as it saved him a lot of time and repetition at home. Thanks again for all of your support.

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