Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Improving Day By Day

Karen got in and out of our pool today with the help of a woman giving her three showers weekly, and some help from me. Unfortunately, I can't do it alone, thus she won't be able to use the pool until she can do it without help. Tomorrow, I think we'll try one of our community pools which has an ocean walk-in, which should work quite well. I'll use the hot tub while she walks and exercises in the pool. This Friday will be the last time for the "shower lady" as Karen feels she can hereafter take her shower without help.

On Friday, Jeanne Clark, our friend from Chicago will fly in and stay with us for seven days or until June 10. This is really a wonderful thing on Jeanne's part. She will help in all areas with Karen, which will be a great help to me. I'm sure she will make some meals as I'm pretty sure she won't consider my cooking among the best she has ever had. Karen is very excited to have Jeanne coming to stay with us for the week.

The twice-weekly physical and occupational therapy sessions continue at the hospital. Though the sessions are only 1/2 hour each, Karen is exhausted after completing the sessions. There has been noticeable improvement each day. However, her legs remain very painful due to the blood clots running the full length of both. The exercising, combined with the blood thinner she is taking are undoubtedly working, albeit very slowly. Her legs are often times warm, and always very hard to the touch. Care must be used whenever there is a need to touch her legs as any touch hurts pretty badly.

My thanks again to all of you "bloggers" for your continuing thoughts and prayers on Karen's behalf. If you would like to leave a note for Karen, simply click on the word "comments" at the conclusion of our posting, following the prompts as it comes up, and I'll see to it that she sees your comments. The cards and letters do a lot for her psyche.

Love All You Guys, Bill

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