Friday, July 10, 2009

Difficulties With Legs

A doppler procedure performed two days ago revealed no additional clots in Karen's legs, which is the good news. The bad news is that her legs are extremely swollen, hard, and constantly in pain. We are trying to reduce the swelling by keeping her legs elevated, little salt in her diet, and daily doses of lasix(blood thinner). The physical therapy is also considered as an additional tool in reducing the blood clots. The major factor is the continued use of warfarin(coumadin generic).The doctor again said that it will be 6-9 months before they are gone.

Karen gets around pretty well with her walker. We've been to a movie, eaten out, and of course visited many doctors without serious mishap. The only real problem we've experienced is getting her up from some chairs which are too low. At home, we have two pillows on all of the chairs she uses. We've also been trying to get to our local community pool once daily. Walking and swimming is excellent therapy for her. We also try to do the prescribed therapy, given us at the hospital, every day we're not at the hospital therapy unit. We've missed the past two days as Karen had her monthly 5-hour infusion of gamma globulin yesterday, and has been in no shape(headaches and exhaustion) to do therapy nor to go into the pool.

She is a stubborn lady, so will not be giving up on the therapy. She "is" going to get better, and is working hard so that she may some day be able to get back out on our golf courses.

Love, Bill

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