Saturday, May 30, 2009

Free Day

Today is a free day for mom -- no PT today. She's pretty happy about that! She's doing ok today. They are continuing the heparin along with the cumadin. Once the cumadin level gets to the right point they will stop the heparin which will be good. She may even be ready for short visits with visitors. Dad will let you know.
Dad got some rest the last two days... and we were able to get him to the movies and out to dinner. The other kids will appreciate this -- we cleaned out the freezer and found food from 2005!
We head back to Tucson today after the TV repair man comes out.

1 comment:

  1. WHen I was there last, your dad and I found cereal from 2001. (This was 2007) Karen was angry that we threw it out before she got up in the morning. Kathi
