Friday, May 29, 2009

Better Morning

The assessment of her headache and dizziness is inner ear damage by the anti-biotics. The good news is it's treatable... the bad news is the way they treat it is by getting her up and moving her around. Basically her brain needs to re-learn to function and the dizziness will go away.
The doctors all met and have decided to keep her on the acute PT floor. Medicare is giving her until the 9th to show some improvement or they will force her to move to another nursing home type facility. So the PT staff is really going to start pushing her beyond her comfort level to try to get some improvement.
She remains on heparin and cumadin -- and will most likely be on it now the rest of her life. They are watching the levels very carefully.
She is actually doing better today than yesterday. The headache and dizziness is a little less, she got some sleep and ate all of her breakfast. She also a little less altered... so all in all a pretty good morning.
Dad really appreciates the support he's received from all of you and is grateful you are reading this blog. It is helping him to not get calls -- as it's allowing him to rest when he's home.

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