Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mom is home!

Good News -- Mom was released tonight from the hospital. Her doctors are confident the Heparin/Cumadin combination has done it's job for now.

We arrived in Surprise almost the same time they got home from the hospital. She was able to sit in the chair and chat for 2 hours before we were all ready for bed! She's tired and appears to have pulled a muscle in her neck but doing well.

She needs to rest a lot but can have visitors & calls!

Thanks for your support!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Back In The Hospital

On November 17, 2009, Mom was hospitalized again for blood clots in her legs. These are the same blood clots she's had since she was released in June. Unfortunately, 3 weeks ago, despite a daily regimen of cumadin pills, the blood clots suddenly started getting harder, thicker and more painful.

After a doppler scan on November 16, the Doctor decided to hospitalize her so her could add a IV drip of Heparin in addition to the cumadin. Over the last week, the pain in her legs has lessened a little but not as much as we hoped. In addition, she has developed pain in her neck and shoulders which they are treating with morphine.

Today, while trying to figure out why the pain and too slow reversal of the blood clots, they did a procedure to check the clot filter which was placed in her vena cava while she was on the ventilator. They discovered it is basically clogged slowing down the blood flow which may be why it's taking so long for the clots to break up despite the Heparin and Cumadin. They put a catheter to try to break up the clots by the filter... but with her history, it was decided to take out the catheter immediately.

Unfortunately, because of the concern for a hemarrage like she had last May, they are not sure what they are going to do about the "clog". At this hour, they are continuing the current course of treatment and watching for bleeding from procedure.

So, it does not appear she will be home for Thanksgiving. We will be traveling there so they are not alone... and, lest we forget, to put up the Christmas decorations - UGH! :)

I will continue to update the blog until she is home from the hospital. As always, you can call me for updates - 520-488-8279. Please no calls to Dad or visitors to the hospital at this time. With the amount of pain medication, she is a little out of it. I will let you know when it is ok to call again.

Thanks for your support.
Katie and Sullivan Family